Chapel Themes and Schedule for 2024-25

Chapel Theme and Schedule For 2024 - 2025

Every morning, after the Canadian National Anthem the students will hear a short song that will help them memorize a bible verse or a part of the catechism weekly followed by the current prayer. The students will be taught different prayers throughout the year. The students are currently saying the following prayer which is done over the intercom:

“We give thanks to you dear Father, through Jesus your only son, that you have kept us through the night, from harm and the evil one.  And we pray that you, would keep us this day from danger and harm from going astray.  Let all our deeds be pleasing to you and stay with us all through the day, your angels protecting the way.  For in your name we pray, Amen.”

During devotion time, all classrooms recite the Lord’s prayer and will say a prayer before both snack and lunch times.  Students learn many different prayers throughout the year, please ask your child what prayer they use in class and if you require the words for the prayer please contact your child’s teacher.

BSLS Chapel Services are held on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am. Each Chapel service will focus on the Lutheran message which teaches all of our young students on how they are serving God’s community through the many outreach and stewardship opportunities through the school and the church. Our chapel services involve many different components that have been specifically planned to engage the students and to help the children understand and hear about God’s love.  God’s Law (the Ten Commandments) and God’s Gospel (grace & forgiveness) are shared in every lesson at chapel and throughout our days with the children and with one another.  It is especially important for children to hear about God’s grace and forgiveness, and it can be easy as adults to focus on the law and expectations, rather than the Gospel.  At chapel, there are responsibilities given to each classroom throughout the year for all students to participate in chapel when possible.  The responsibilities this year are the candle lighters, candle extinguishers, bible verse readers, chapel artists, prayer readers and of course, singing and doing the actions to the many songs we sing.  We are always interested if a student is interested in playing violin, piano or sharing another talent during our chapel services to enhance our student involvement.  Please speak to your child and teacher to hear about how your child is involved in our weekly chapel services.


This year's theme to be announced!

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