Beautiful Saviour Lutheran School follows the curricular objectives required by Manitoba Department of Education, and we strive to teach all classes within the context of our faith. We begin each day with the national anthem, prayer and devotions.

Kindergarten Program

Our kindergarten program is designed to give all of our students the opportunity to discover their world and to develop the skills necessary to become successful in school and responsible citizens in society. We concentrate on all aspects of development: spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical. Our Kindergarten program offers two options: a full-day Monday, Wednesday and Friday program or a full-time 5 days per week program. The kindergarten class participates in a general music program.

Grades 1-8 Program

Our grade school program follows the Manitoba Curriculum for all subject areas with qualified, educated, Manitoba certified teachers. We teach our students to become responsible for their actions and to be respectful of everyone and everything. Our teachers teach Mathematics, Language Arts, French, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Art, Band (gr. 5-8), Violin (gr. 1-4), General Music (K), Literacy with Information and Communication Technology, and Industrial Arts/Human Ecology (gr. 7& 8).

Extra-curricular/ Enrichment options include: All of our extra-curricular options are organized and run by staff members. Our dedicated teachers enjoy working with the students and incorporating their own personal interests. We are very fortunate to also offer Volleyball and Basketball Teams, Running Club, Intramurals, School Patrols, Private Music Lessons, Mad Science, Advanced Fiddle Group, Chess Club and We Care Club. All students are encouraged to participate in the activities of interest to them or where they would like to expand their experiences.

Violin – All students in Grades 1—4 study violin as part of their daily curriculum, building on the research-proven cognitive and expressive benefit of music instruction in the early years. Private lessons and Advanced Violin Group are offered throughout the year for those students interested in extra lessons or wishing to continue violin instruction after grade 4.

Concert Band – All students in Grades 5-8 participate in the school guitar program as part of their daily curriculum. The concert band groups meet for half-an-hour per day to perform and to learn music theory.

French – Students in Kindergarten to Grade 2 participate in an Introductory French program which is an enhancement to the requirements of the Manitoba curriculum. Through games, songs, poems, and vocabulary activities, the children learn about their world from a French perspective. Students in Kindergarten to Grade 2 receive twenty minutes of instruction per day. In Grade 3, students begin the Basic French program and receive thirty minutes per day of instruction by a French Specialist.

Resource – We have a part time Certified Resource Teacher on site who is in charge of provincial Special Needs Funding, remedial reading programs, and support for our students. As well we have the privilege of sharing resources with the Louis Riel School Division and receive support from a Social Worker, a Psychologist and a Speech and Language Pathologist. Our time is limited for these specialists and students are referred only after screening and consultation between Resource and Classroom teachers.

The Industrial Arts & Human Ecology program encompasses the subject areas of graphic communications, home economics, family studies, food and nutrition, and clothing and textiles. This course is provided through an agreement with the Louis Riel School Division. Students attend Nelson McIntyre Collegiate one day on a six day cycle basis.

In addition to Chapel services, held on Wednesday mornings for the entire school community, the Christian Education at BSLS permeates the school day. The day is opened with the singing of O Canada followed by Luther’s Morning Prayer, and each of the classes pray before meals. We teach one another to handle/solve problems through the practice of repentance and forgiveness. In this way we seek to put into practice the forgiveness and love which we have received from God.

Our Christian Education program continues as students start their classes by studying stories and events of the Bible and seeing the Grace of God through these stories. The students are encouraged to memorize Bible passages, as well as the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed.

Currently, the students at BSLS are placed in multi-grade classrooms. BSLS follows the research that demonstrates that multi-grade classrooms provide an educational advantage to our students. Please refer to The current arrangement is K, Grade 1, Grade 2&3, Grade 3&4, Grade 5&6, and Grade 7&8. As per standard operating procedures for schools that implement split grades classrooms, the Science and Social Studies curriculum alternates each year. For example, in 2019/20 Grade 7 Science and Social Studies was taught. Then in 2020/21, the Grade 8 Science and Social Studies curriculum was taught.

Before and After School Care

Families at BSLS have an opportunity to place their child(ren) in our on-site care from 7:00 – 8:30 a.m. and from          3:20 – 5:30 p.m.